Brushing dust from Javascript basics

Aaaand off I go with the Javascript course!
I sure am missing my dual screen set up back home, so I improvised with my tablet which I now use to play the Udemy video.

Feels nice to make some basic scripts and loops. With reinstalling Windows some of my VS set-up went missing, so today I rediscovered Live Server plugin which makes coding a dream. Every time you save a HTML/CSS/JS file it automatically refreshes your html to see the effects. I split my screen, allowing me to see the new script logs immediately.
Since I went through JS in the original Bootcamp, I pretty much skim through the basics. I don't want to skip them entirely since it does not feel intuitive anymore to write basic JS and also because Colt uses really cool examples of illustrating the methods. First time I've used indexOf method to evaluate if a string includes a forbidden character for example (visible on the screenshot above). "How absolutely marvellous", I say, while sipping coffee.

Then went over conditionals, switch statement, template literals (them backticks!) and finally to good old lööps ❤️

Here's me having a bit of fun with looping through some quality cats 🐱.

With the "while loop" practice I experienced what I've been waiting for days. INSPIRATION to take a coding exercise a step further and google how to display this and that! So I went the extra mile with the basic number guessing exercise and added some logic to "judge" how many attempts it took to guess the number. It's was great way to poke my brain into understanding how the program keeps track of things and how to implement that into loops or conditionals. You know what.. maybe I DO have what it takes, ey?


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