Github and Godaddy domain

Today is the day I finally decided to learn the inevitable - Github! A brand new world to be honest. It was intimidating to dive into Godaddy domain settings and Github terminology: "commit", "repository", "pull request" etc. For a newbie, it goes to the dark lands of backend. But combining some resources I actually managed my Godaddy domain to be hosted by Github on the background, via this repository: So, for the first time in my life, my own HTML+CSS is live with a custom domain. For this day at least, I am the queen.
(I'm rejoicing in small things, okay?)

Here are the 2 resources that helped me get there:

  • This article explaining how to tweak Godaddy settings (in the above video there are settings)

I did not use the Git terminal for this, but Windows Powershell. For anyone following (I also commented this on the video), keep in mind there are some outdated commands which won't work on Windows Powershell. Most importantly, touch index.html is invalid, and you should rather use ni index.html. Found this out after getting an error and browsing StackOverflow.

I guess when your learning materials are from 2014, you get a free troubleshooting experience on top! :D 


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